16 Plugins to Help You Communicate With Your Users

A website is a communications tool. You create one to communicate with visitors, and to give them somewhere they can communicate with you.

Whether your site is for blogging, marketing, selling, fundraising or passing on information, one of your key concerns will be making sure you can communicate with your visitors to let them know what you’re doing and what’s new on your site.

But you can’t simply rely on people to keep coming back to your site. What if they visited your site yesterday, had a thorough look around, but you make a major update today? They don’t know that so they may not come back? You could lose a potential customer, subscriber or fan.

In this post I’ll look at some of the plugins you can use to reach out to your audience and communicate more effectively with your visitors.

These include plugins to help with:

  • RSS feeds,
  • Mailing lists and newsletters (using third party services or direct from your site), and
  • Social media.

Which ones you use will depend on your needs and those of your users, but there should be at least one here which will help you to communicate with your audience.

Read the full article here.

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