Happy 5th Birthday, CloudFlare!

CloudFlare customers recorded videos to celebrate our first five years

Today is September 27, 2015. It’s a rare Super Blood Moon. And it’s also CloudFlare’s birthday. CloudFlare launched 5 years ago today. It was a Monday. While Michelle, Lee, and I had high expectations, we would never have imagined what’s happened since then.

In the last five years we’ve stopped 7 trillion cyber attacks, saved more than 94,116 years worth of time, and served 99.4 trillion requests — nearly half of those in the last 6 months. You can learn more from this timeline of the last five years.

Celebrating by doing the impossible

CloudFlare's Network in China

Every year we like to celebrate our birthday by giving something seemingly impossible back to our users. Two years ago we enabled on our Automatic IPv6 Gateway, allowing our users to support IPv6 without having to update their own servers. Last year we made Universal SSL support available to all our customers, even those on our free plan. And this year, we announced the expansion across Mainland China, building the first truly global performance and security platform.

Internet Summit & Party

We celebrated in San Francisco last week with CloudFlare’s first Internet Summit at our new San Francisco Headquarters with more than 500 of our customers and friends. Speakers discussed their visions for the challenges and opportunities for the Internet over the next five years. We’ll be posting videos of those talks over the course of this week. In the meantime, here are some photographs from the Summit and the party later that night with one of our favorite bands, Walk Off the Earth.

Matthew & Michelle at the CloudFlare Internet Summit

President of Estonia at the CloudFlare Internet Summit

CloudFlare Party Balloons

CloudFlare Party Roof Deck

CloudFlare Party Walk Off the Earth

CloudFlare Party Confetti Cannon

Thanks everyone for your support over the last five years. As Michelle likes to say, we’re just getting started.

Via Cloudflare.com


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