How the NSA (may have) put a backdoor in RSA’s cryptography: A technical primer

There has been a lot of news lately about nefarious-sounding

being inserted into cryptographic standards and toolkits. One algorithm,
a pseudo-random bit generator, Dual_EC_DRBG, was ratified by the National
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in 2007 and is attracting a lot of
attention for having a potential backdoor. This is the algorithm into which the
NSA allegedly inserted a backdoor and then paid RSA to use.

So how is that possible? This is a technical primer that explains what
a backdoor is, how easy it can be to create your own, and the dangerous
consequences of using a random number generator that was designed to have
a backdoor. This is necessarily a long technical discussion, but hopefully by
the end it should be clear why Dual_EC_DRBG has such a bad reputation.


The concept of a backdoor has cast a shadow over the security industry for
a long time. A backdoor is an intentional flaw in a cryptographic algorithm or
implementation that allows an individual to bypass the security mechanisms the
system was designed to enforce. A backdoor is a way for someone to get
something out of the system that they otherwise would not be able to. If
a security system is wall, a backdoor is a secret tunnel underneath it.

Backdoors can be inserted by lazy programmers who want to bypass their own
security systems for debugging reasons, or they can be created to intentionally
weaken a system used by others. Government agencies have been known to insert
backdoors into commonly used software to enable mass surveillance. Backdoors
can be built into software, hardware, or even built into the design of an

In theory, a well-designed cryptographic system does not include a backdoor. In
practice, it is hard to guarantee that a piece of software is backdoor-free.
A backdoor was recently found in a widely-deployed version of D-Link router
The backdoor allows anyone with knowledge of a secret user agent string to log
in and modify settings on any router running the vulnerable software. The
D-Link backdoor took a long time to find because the source code for the router
software was not available to security researchers to examine. With open source
software, a researcher can look directly at the part of the code that verifies
authentication and check for backdoors.

Open source is great tool for understanding how code works but it is not
a cure-all for finding backdoors in software. It can be difficult and
time-consuming to fully analyze all the code in a complicated codebase. The
International Obfuscated C Code Contest shows how code
can be made extremely hard to understand. The Underhanded
C Contest
takes this even further, showing that
benign looking code can hide malicious behavior.

The translation step between human programming languages and machine code can
also be used to insert a backdoor. The classic article “Reflections on
Trusting Trust
” introduced this
idea back in 1984. The cryptographic community has recently banded together to
the open source disk encryption
software TrueCrypt for backdoors. One of the key steps in this audit is
verifying that the machine code distributed online for TrueCrypt matches the
source code. This requires re-building the audited source code with a fully
open source compiler and making sure the machine code matches. Reproducible
binaries help demonstrate that a backdoor was not inserted in the program’s
machine code by a malicious person or compiler.

Random weakness

In some cases, even this might not be enough. For example, TrueCrypt, like most
cryptographic systems, use the system’s random number generator to create
secret keys. If an attacker can control or predict the random numbers produced
by a system, they can often break otherwise secure cryptographic algorithms.
Any predictability in a system’s random number generator can render it
vulnerable to attacks.

Examples of security systems being bypassed using flaws (intentionally created
or otherwise) in random number generators are very common. Some recent

It’s absolutely essential to have an unpredictable source of random numbers in
secure systems that rely on them. This includes SSL/TLS, the fundamental
security layer of the internet where session keys are generated using random
numbers. If you design a random number generator that allows you to predict the
output, and convince someone to use it, you can break their system. This kind
of algorithmic backdoor is what we will create in this blog post.

A random stream that isn’t

The digits of pi are quite random looking but
they don’t make a very good random number generator because they are
predictable. Anyone who knows that someone is using the digits of pi as their
source of randomness can use that against them. Convincing someone to use
a pi-based random number generator is a difficult challenge.

Many pseudo-random number generators start with a number called a seed. The
seed is the starting point for the internal state of the algorithm. The
algorithm generates a stream of random numbers using some mathematical
operation on the internal state. As long as the seed (and the subsequent
internal state) are kept secret, the pseudo-random numbers output by the
algorithm are unpredictable to any observer. Conversely, anyone who knows the
state will be able to predict the output.

Linux uses a pool of

as the internal state of /dev/random, its pseudo-random number generator. Every
time a program requests random data from the system, Linux returns
a cryptographic hash of its internal state using the algorithm SHA-1. This hash
function is designed to be one-way, it is easy to compute but very difficult to
find the input given an output. It is so difficult, no person has ever
published an inversion of a SHA-1 hash without knowing the input beforehand.
This keeps the internal state of the random number generator secret.

The random data extracted by the hash function is then mixed back into internal
state. Periodically, the hashes of the timestamps of “unpredictable” system
events like clicks and key presses are also mixed in.

Here’s a diagram of the basic pseudo-random number generator construction:

In this diagram
F = SHA1
and G = SHA1 + mix with XOR

This construction is pretty standard. The internal state is kept secret, data
is output via a one-way function, and the internal state is updated by mixing
the data back into the state.

At any point, if an attacker can figure out the internal state, they can
predict the output. The strategic choices for F and G here are what make this
construction safe. You do not lose the randomness in the pool by XOR-ing with
something else, entropy always goes up.

If F and G were chosen to be two completely independent one-way functions, it
would probably still be safe. Having SHA-1 as F and MD5 (a different hash
function) as G would not be too unreasonable of a choice. The key here is in
the word independent, but first a sidestep into elliptic curves.

Elliptic Curves and one-way functions

In a previous blog

we gave a gentle introduction to elliptic curve cryptography. We talked about
how this class of curves can be used for encryption and digital signature
algorithms. We also hinted that elliptic curves could be used for generating
random numbers. That is what we we will describe here.

The reason elliptic curves are used in cryptography is the strongly one-way
function they enable. As described previously, there is a geometrically
intuitive way to define an arithmetic on the points of an elliptic curve.

Any two points on an elliptic curve can be “dotted” (“multiplied”) together to
get a new point on the curve. Dotting a point with itself any number of times
is fast easy to do, but going back to the original point takes a lot of
computation. This operation can be used to create a nice and simple one-way
function from a point P1:

Given a number n, output another number m:

  1. Dot P1 with itself n times to get another point Q
  2. Output the x-coordinate of Q as m

It’s hard to go back from m to n, because that would be enough to solve the
elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem, which is thought to be very, very
hard to do.

The metaphor used in the previous post was that the one way function in
elliptic curves is like playing a peculiar game of billiards. If someone were
locked alone in a room they could play a certain number of shots and the ball
would end up at a particular location. However, if you entered the room at some
point and simply saw the position of the ball it would be very difficult to
determine the number of shots the player had taken without playing through the
whole game again yourself.

With this billiards analogy, we can think of this random number generator as
a new bizarro game of pool. Consider two balls on the infinite elliptic curve
billiards table, the yellow ball called P1 and the blue ball called P2.

These two balls have specific points on the curve where they start. This is
a two person game where one person is called the generator and the other is the
observer. The generator has a secret number “n”. The generator takes the ball
P1 and performs n shots, and lets the observer see its final location. Then it
takes P2 and performs n shots, taking the final location of P2 as a new value
for n. Then P1 and P2 are reset to their original location and that’s the end
of the turn. Each turn the observer sees a new pseudo-random location for P1,
and that’s the output of the game.

There’s a trap door in your one-way functions

In the Linux random number generator example above, SHA-1 is used as the
one-way function. Let’s consider what happens when we use our elliptic curve
one way function instead.

Looking back at the construction for a pseudo-random number generator above, we
need to choose two functions to serve as F and G. The elliptic curve one-way
function above seems to fit the bill, so let’s use the functions defined by two
points on the curve, P1 and P2. Each one-way function is hard to reverse, and
if P1 and P2 are chosen randomly, they should be independent.

So how do we add a backdoor? The key is to choose P1 and P2 so that to any
outside observer they look random and independent, but in reality they have
a special relationship that only we know.

Suppose we choose P2 to be P1 dotted with itself s times, where s is secret
number. Then P1 and P2 are related but it is hard to prove how since finding
s requires solving the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem.

Given an initial state n, let’s look at what the output becomes and what the
state gets updated to.

The output is the x-coordinate of:

Q = P1 ◦ P1 ◦ … ◦ P1 (n times)

Then we get that the state S gets updated to:

P2 ◦ P2 ◦ … ◦ P2 (n times)

But P2 is just P1 dotted with itself s times, so the state is really

(P1 ◦ P1 ◦ … ◦ P1 (s times)) ◦ … ◦ (P1 ◦ P1 ◦ … ◦ P1 (s times)) (n times)
P1 ◦ P1 ◦ … ◦ P1 (s ◦ n times)
or re-arranged
(P1 ◦ P1 ◦ … ◦ P1 (n times)) ◦ … ◦ (P1 ◦ P1 ◦ … ◦ P1 (n times)) (s times)

Seeing that P1 dotted with itself n times is the output Q, we can write this as:
Q ◦ Q ◦ … ◦ Q (s times)

And since we know s and the output (and therefore Q), we can calculate the next
internal state of the algorithm. The state is revealed and all subsequent bytes
can be predicted. In just one round! Since given P1 and P2, finding s requires
solving the discrete logarithm problem, you get to be the only one who knows
this mathematical backdoor.

This can be described in the terms of the billiards game from the last section.
Remember the output of one turn of the game is the location of P1 after n shots
and generator’s secret number comes from the location of P2 after n shots.
Knowing the value s is like knowing how many shots it takes to go from P1 to
P2. This lets the observer cheat at the game. If you know where P1 lands after
n shots, you can shoot s times from that location to get the location of P2
after n shots. This gives you the generator’s secret number and allows you to
predict the next turn of the game.

Back to the real world

This toy random number generator may seem very simple and the backdoor might
even seem obvious. The amazing fact is that our toy random number generator
described above is Dual_EC_DRBG, almost exactly. It was published by the NSA
with two “random” looking points P1 and P2. There is no indication of how these
values were generated.

The values for the points P1 and P2 could have been chosen randomly or they
could have been chosen with a deliberate relationship. If they were chosen
deliberately, there is a backdoor. If they truly were chosen randomly, then
finding the internal state is as difficult as breaking elliptic curve
cryptography. Unfortunately, there is no way to identify if the two points were
chosen together or randomly without either solving the elliptic curve discrete
logarithm function, or catching the algorithm’s author with the secret backdoor
value. This is the nature of a one-way trapdoor function.

The authors did not provide any proof of randomness for the two points P1 and
P2. This could have easily been done by choosing P1 and P2 as outputs of a hash
function, but they did not. This is just one of

flaws in the design of this algorithm.

The evidence is mounting for Dual_EC_DRBG being well-suited for use as a back
door. A working proof of concept
was published in late 2013
using OpenSSL, and a patent for using the construction as “key escrow” (another
term for backdoor) was filed back in

Up until recently, Dual_EC_DRBG was the default random number generator for
several cryptographic products from RSA (the security division of EMC), even
though cryptographers have long been
of the algorithm’s design.
There are reports of

connecting a $10 million investment by the United States government and RSA’s
decision to use this obscure and widely maligned algorithm in their
widely-distributed products.

Looking Ahead

It is very difficult to implement a secure system. Backdoors can be introduced
at the software, hardware or even algorithm level. Algorithms backed by
standards are not necessarily safe or free of backdoors. Some lessons to take
away from this exercise are:

  1. Even secure cryptographic functions can be weakened if there isn’t a good
    source of randomness
  2. Randomness in deterministic systems like computers is very hard to do
  3. Adding unpredictable sources of entropy can help increase randomness and, in
    turn, secure algorithms from these types of attacks

At CloudFlare, we understand this fact and are working on ways to make sure
that the randomness in our cryptographic systems is truly random. Steps include
extracting entropy from the physical world, monitoring system entropy levels,
using a hardware random number generator to mix in extra entropy, and not
relying on a single random number generator as the source of all randomness.


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