Archive by Author

Sucuri CloudProxy – Website Firewall Enhancements

When LA’s DA says that, “73% of our local businesses appear to have been hacked,” it begins to illustrate the importance website protection will play in the future of business, which is why we’ve placed so much emphasis on website protection on this blog over the last few months. Protection is no longer a, “nice […]

Desktop AVs and Website Security

Brian Dye tells the Wall Street Journal that antivirus tools like his company’s Norton suite are effectively “dead” because they catch less than half of all attacks, but from where we sit, that’s really just half the story. Does Brian mean that antivirus defenses–also know as “AV”– are useless? Probably not. Just like you should […]

Watch a Layer 7 DDOS Attack – WordPress Security

A few weeks back we reported on very large Layer 7 DDOS attacks within the WordPress ecosystem. Today we decided to provide you a little illustration of what that looks like. Remember, there is a big difference between Brute Force and Denial of Service attacks, this is specifically for a large DDOS attack involving 40k […]

Case Study: Analyzing the Origins of a DDoS Attack

Recently a client was experiencing a massive layer 7 DDOS attack, generating tens of thousands of random HTTP requests per second to the server. The architecture of the website included a cluster of three web servers responsible for handling all incoming traffic, which did little to alleviate the pressures brought about the attack. An interesting […]

Does Sucuri work with my host? Yes, Yes we do.

We’ve been scanning and removing malware from websites for years, and in this time frame we have seen the website security domain grow by leaps and bounds. Over the same period, the ubiquity of the internet has reached to all corners of the globe, and the number of websites worldwide has skyrocketed (estimated at 955 […]

AdSense Blackmail – Hacking Websites for Profit

We deal with different types of malware injections and compromises everyday and the most common question our clients ask us is, “Why me? Why my small little site?” There are so many answers to this question. In some cases, someone may attack a site for fun, they may do so in the name of “Hacktivism” […]

PHP Callback Functions: Another Way to Hide Backdoors

We often find new techniques employed by malware authors. Some are very interesting, others are pretty funny, and then there are those that really stump us in their creativity and effectiveness. This post is about the latter. Everyone who writes code in PHP knows what the eval() function is for. It evaluates a string as […]

Joomla Plugin Constructor Backdoor

We recently wrote about backdoors in pirated commercial WordPress plugins. This time it will be a short post about an interesting backdoor we found in a Joomla plugin. It was so well organized that at first we didn’t realize there was a backdoor even though we knew something was wrong. Here’s what the code of […]

HeartBleed in the Wild

As most of you probably already know, ten days ago security Researchers disclosed a very serious vulnerability in the OpenSSL library, which is used to power HTTPS on most websites nowadays. The bug allowed an attacker to extract information that was supposed to be private, including SSL private keys, login data or any other information […]