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Introducing Automatic SSL/TLS: securing and simplifying origin connectivity

During Birthday Week 2022, we pledged to provide our customers with the most secure connection possible from Cloudflare to their origin servers automatically. I’m thrilled to announce we will begin rolling this experience out to customers who have the SSL/TLS Recommender enabled on August 8, 2024. Following this, remaining Free and Pro customers can use […]

Celebrating one year of Project Cybersafe Schools

August 8, 2024, is the first anniversary of Project Cybersafe Schools, Cloudflare’s initiative to provide free security tools to small school districts in the United States. Cloudflare announced Project Cybersafe Schools at the White House on August 8, 2023 as part of the Back to School Safely: K-12 Cybersecurity Summit hosted by First Lady Dr. […]

The backbone behind Cloudflare’s Connectivity Cloud

The modern use of “cloud” arguably traces its origins to the cloud icon, omnipresent in network diagrams for decades. A cloud was used to represent the vast and intricate infrastructure components required to deliver network or Internet services without going into depth about the underlying complexities. At Cloudflare, we embody this principle by providing critical […]

Security Tips for Modern Web Administrators

Keeping your website secure is crucial to protecting user data and maintaining trust. Think of your website as a digital vault that needs constant safeguarding against potential threats. By understanding and implementing key security practices, you can significantly reduce the risk of attacks and ensure a safe experience for your users. Let’s break down some […]

A recent spate of Internet disruptions

Cloudflare Radar is constantly monitoring the Internet for widespread disruptions. In mid-July, we published our Q2 2024 Internet Disruption Summary, and here we examine several recent noteworthy disruptions detected in the first month of Q3, including traffic anomalies observed in Bangladesh, Syria, Pakistan, and Venezuela. Bangladesh Violent student protests in Bangladesh against quotas in government […]

WordPress Vulnerability & Patch Roundup July 2024

Vulnerability reports and responsible disclosures are essential for website security awareness and education. Automated attacks targeting known software vulnerabilities are one of the leading causes of website compromises. To help educate website owners about potential threats to their environments, we’ve compiled a list of important security updates and vulnerability patches for the WordPress ecosystem this […]

Avoiding downtime: modern alternatives to outdated certificate pinning practices

In today’s world, technology is quickly evolving and some practices that were once considered the gold standard are quickly becoming outdated. At Cloudflare, we stay close to industry changes to ensure that we can provide the best solutions to our customers. One practice that we’re continuing to see in use that no longer serves its […]

How to Enable HTTP/2 On a Server

HTTP/2 is a game-changer in web protocol technology, offering significant improvements in speed, efficiency, and security over its predecessor, HTTP/1.1. With features like multiplexing, header compression, and server push, HTTP/2 can drastically reduce web page load times and enhance the overall user experience. Additionally, HTTP/2 is enabled by default for Sucuri’s Web Application Firewall (WAF), […]