How To Create An RSS To Email Campaign For Your Blog

With new tools it is easier to reach your customers and readers through email. Gone are the days where you send emails manually. The article we’re sharing today teaches how to use email marketing for your blog.

How To Create An RSS To Email Campaign For Your Blog


When you write a blog, it takes more than just a great idea, flowing some words out onto the screen, and pressing publish. Since your readers won’t be hanging around waiting for you to publish your next piece, you need to promote your content. This is even more so if you’re a business, where the content will lead to sales.

Social media is a huge part of promoting blog articles, but that requires relationship building and editing the synopsis to be appropriate for each channel. With an RSS to email campaign, there’s an even easier way to deliver your content to your readers. And it goes straight into their inbox.

RSS Feeds – What Are They?

Setting up an RSS to send your articles to your readers is really easy. It even says so in the name: Really Simple Syndication. This method of publishing content requires your readers to subscribe to your RSS for it to appear in their “feed.”

RSS feeds were all the rage a few years back where readers could pick and choose who they wanted to hear from. This exploded when social media became popular and each reader’s feeds are now populated with content from various sources and on many different topics.

It’s difficult to stand out in this environment. So sending content directly to readers’ inboxes is a good way to get their attention over the top of all the noise.

But how do you do this? Traditional RSS feeds like Newsgator, Google Reader, NetNewsWire either aren’t that popular anymore or died from a lack of users. So bloggers have been finding different ways to reach their readers: they remembered how effective the inbox is.


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