How to Create Custom, Trackable, Short URL’s For Your WP Posts

Let’s face it, we hate memorizing let alone remembering those long website addresses. Good thing we can now shorten those long addresses and track it! Here’s how:

How to Create Custom, Trackable, Short URL’s For All Your WordPress Posts and Pages


URL shorteners have been around for a while. Their popularity skyrocketed with social networks like Twitter as they made it possible to share long links on a platform with strict character limitations.

Other uses for shortened URL’s include tracking clicks, disguising the target URL, and “beautifying” a link that may otherwise include a garble of randomized characters.

A WordPress user may also want to use short URL’s for all of these reasons. Sharing their content on social media (Twitter or otherwise) is more easier and more elegant with short URL’s.

Additionally, tracking helps to gauge the effectiveness of social strategies, beautifying keeps links attractive and “on brand” (more on that later), and finally disguising or “cloaking” a link can be used for affiliate marketing–though you will want to be careful how you go about it.

For all of these reasons we’re going to use today’s post to look at three different ways WordPress users can create their own customized and trackable short URL’s for each and every WordPress page or post on their site.

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