Participate in the Day We Fight Back with One Click

At CloudFlare, we’re fiercely committed to an open internet. That’s why we’re announcing a new app that lets you easily add to your website a banner from The Day We Fight Back. The has organized a protest against mass surveillance set for Tuesday, February 11th. The banner that your visitors would see urges them to reach out to members of the US Congress to oppose the FISA Improvements Act, support the USA Freedom Act or sign a petition if outside the US.

The Today We Fight Back banner

When web visitors see your banner, they can take 1 of 2 actions. They can call their US member of Congress or send an email, using a sample script provided by the Day We Fight Back. Visitors outside of the US can still participate – they can sign a petition organized by the country they select.

Other organizations such as the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Mozilla and others have joined this effort to express their concern regarding the impact that mass surveillance can have on the freedom and openness of the internet. For more information, please visit

We’ll be displaying the banner on CloudFlare’s site on February 11th and encourage our customers who are concerned about surveillance to install the app and do the same.

Installing the Day We Fight Back App

You can add the app to your site, starting today. It is free. The banner will automatically appear on February 11, 2014. As with any CloudFlare App, installation is just one click — no coding necessary. To get the banner app, please visit our Apps marketplace.

Above is a screenshot of what the banner looks like on an example website. The banner is pinned to the bottom of a window and will be permanently dismissed by a visitor by clicking the (X) in the upper right hand corner. The app makes the banner automatically appear on February 11, 2014.


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