SXSW Interactive 2016: Vote for CloudFlare’s Submissions

SXSW Interactive 2016: Vote for CloudFlare’s Submissions

SXSW Interactive 2016: Vote for CloudFlare’s Submissions

It’s that time of year again, when the end of summer is in sight, students are back in school, football is on TV again, and your social feeds are flooded with “vote for my panel at SXSW” updates. While it feels like our team was just at SXSW, it’s already time to start planning for SXSW ‘16. If these topics interest you, please take a minute to vote for them!

How to vote:

  1. Create an account here
  2. Enter your name & email address, then confirm your account
  3. Log-in with your new account and go to the “PanelPicker”
  4. Click “search/vote” and search for presentations by title
  5. VOTE!!

    *Voting ends on Friday, September 4th!

Just like last year, PanelPicker voting counts for 30% of a panel/presentation’s acceptance to SXSW. Check out the previews of our sessions below. Every vote counts!

CloudFlare’s SXSW 2016 Submissions:

1) They’re Coming for our Internet: We can fight back
Join Matthew Prince, CloudFlare’s co-founder and CEO, for a presentation focused on Internet censorship and global security issues. Matthew will share how online censorship varies globally, and how tech giants should collaborate to expand the Internet’s reach, not divide it. He will also cover what your own personal rights are as an online user, and how you can better preserve them. If you’re reading this blog post, this is a presentation you won’t want to miss!

Matthew Prince, CloudFlare

2) Innovating Like the “Early Days” 5+ years Later
Innovating is easy in the early days–especially without the legacy systems, prior customer commitments, or formal internal processes that come with time. Fast forward and you have more employees, customers, commitments, internal silos, and business goals than ever before. How do you maintain the agile innovation pace you had early on? This panel of builders and visionaries will share how they stay laser focused on what’s over the horizon, avoiding incrementalism. They’ll share how they keep their teams paving the way for others to follow.

Dane Knecht, CloudFlare
Charise Flynn, Dwolla
Marc Boroditsky, Twilio

3) PR for Startups: Low to No Budget Tips for Today
Learn how to drive PR for your startup–no matter how big/small you are or what your current role is. Join a former tech journalist and PR leaders from growth-stage and unicorn startups–across the enterprise, on-demand, and consumer technology industries–for a candid discussion on navigating the media landscape. Walk away with tips and tools (even free ones!) to drive awareness and take your company to the next level.

Daniella Vallurupalli, CloudFlare
Johnny Brackett, Shyp
Michelle Masek, Imgur
Ryan Lawler, 500 Startups

Please vote and help CloudFlare get to SXSW Interactive 2016! I can already taste the BBQ…


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