Tag Archives: backups

Ask Sucuri: How to Create Website Backups?

Recently I had the good fortune of being able to present at Wordcamp Vancouver 2015. My presentation was titled ‘Why Security Matters‘ and I mentioned website backups several times. One of the people who attended asked me a great question: I backup my computer, and I backup the backup of my computer, but how doRead […]

How To Create a Website Backup Strategy

We’ve all heard it million times before – backups are important. Still, the reality is that even today, backups remain one of the most overlooked and under-utilized precautions we can take to protect our vital data. Why are backups so important Put simply, a good set of backups can save your website when absolutely everythingRead […]

Backups – The Forgotten Website Security Pillar

I travel a lot (a lot might actually be an understatement these days), but the travel always revolves around a couple common threads – namely website security education and awareness. In these travels, regardless of the community I am engaging with, there are always common questions like, “How important is it to proactively protect my […]