Tag Archives: hacked

My WordPress Website Was Hacked

Before you freak out, allow me to clarify. It was one of several honeypots we have running. The honeypots are spread across the most commonly employed hosting companies. From Virtual Private Servers (VPS) to shared environments, to managed environments. In most instances we pay and configure them like any other consumer would so that we […]

MailPoet Vulnerability Exploited in the Wild – Breaking Thousands of WordPress Sites

A few weeks ago we found and disclosed a serious vulnerability on the MailPoet WordPress Plugin. We urged everyone to upgrade their sites immediately due to the severity of the issue. The vulnerability allowed an attacker to inject anything they wanted on the site, which could be used for malware injections, defacement, spam and many […]

Massive Malware Infection Breaking WordPress Sites

The last few days has brought about a massive influx of broken WordPress websites. What makes it so unique is that the malicious payload is being blindly injected which is causing websites to break. While we’re still researching, we do want to share share some observations: This infection is aimed at websites built on the […]

Was the FIFA Website Hacked?

As many know, our company has deep Brazilian roots, as such we have no choice but to enamored with the upcoming World Cup. Yes, the World Cup is coming, soccer news is everywhere and like most things, websites are being used to disseminate the news. The Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) is perhaps one […]

Darkleech + Bitly.com = Insightful Statistics

This post is about how hackers abuse popular web services, and how this helps security researchers obtain interesting statistics about malware attacks. We, at Sucuri, work with infected websites every day. While we see some particular infections on one site or on multiple sites, we can’t accurately tell how many more sites out there are […]