Tag Archives: iframe

Massive Admedia/Adverting iFrame Infection

This past weekend we registered a spike in WordPress infections where hackers injected encrypted code at the end of all legitimate .js files. The distinguishing features of this malware are: 32 hex digit comments at the beginning and end of the malicious code. E.g. /*e8def60c62ec31519121bfdb43fa078f*/ This comment is unique on every infected site. Most likely an MD5Read […]

Analyzing a Facebook Clickbait Worm

Here at Sucuri we suspect everything, especially when your friends start to share content written in another language with clickbait headlines. If you are not familiar with the term, clickbait is when web content is created in a way that psychologically exploits the reader’s curiosity using compelling headlines. When someone clicks on the article toRead […]

New iFrame Injections Leverage PNG Image Metadata

We’re always trying to stay ahead of the latest trends, and today we caught a very interesting one that we have either been missing, or it’s new. We’ll just say it’s new.. We’re all familiar with the idea of iFrame Injections, right? Understanding an iFrame Injection The iFrame HTML tag is very standard today, it’s […]