Tag Archives: updates

WP-CLI Guide: Secure Plugin & Theme Management

Welcome to our third post on WP-CLI for secure WordPress management over an SSH command line interface. In our previous two articles, we discussed how to connect to WordPress over SSH, and then how to back up & update WordPress securely. Like other open-source content management systems, WordPress lets you easily add code to makeRead […]

WP-CLI Guide: Secure WordPress Backup and Update

Welcome to our second post in the series on WP-CLI for WordPress management over SSH. In our previous post, we discussed how to get your SSH credentials and use WP-CLI to connect to your website over the command line. Before we get into changing anything, we’ll show you how to back up your database and compressRead […]

Sucuri CloudProxy – Website Firewall Enhancements

When LA’s DA says that, “73% of our local businesses appear to have been hacked,” it begins to illustrate the importance website protection will play in the future of business, which is why we’ve placed so much emphasis on website protection on this blog over the last few months. Protection is no longer a, “nice […]