Tag Archives: Website Blacklist

SiteCheck Malware Report: September Summary

Our free SiteCheck tool helps website owners remotely scan their website to detect malware infections, blacklisting status, website errors, and other anomalies. Scanning a website’s external HTML source code provides immediate results, without the need to install any software or applications to identify threats. In September alone, a total of 17,138,086 website scans were performed […]

How to Find & Fix the Japanese Keyword Hack

If you’re wondering how to find and fix the Japanese keyword hack, get started by identifying a real-life example. First, open Google Translate, and then get the Japanese characters for the search term buy Ralph Lauren. Copy and paste that into your favorite search engine, and take a look at the results. Your results may […]

Is My Site Hacked?

It’s a day every website owner fears. You open the website you’ve poured your time, energy, and money into, only to find your home page looking very different. After your stomach sinks and you take a long gasp, you’ll likely shout out in frustration, “My site has been hacked! What do I do!?” But not […]

My Website Was Hacked on Christmas Eve

Christmas is a wonderful time to spend with family and friends. A lot of kids look forward to opening their presents under the Christmas tree, but not all of them have a present to open. This is why our family started a charity project in 2007 called the Shoebox Project. A few years later, my […]

Google Warnings For Form Input Over HTTP Coming in October

For years, Google has been actively seeking ways to encourage website owners to implement SSL certificates. SSL allows websites to be accessed over HTTPS, which encrypts information sent between the visitor and web server. Recently, we discussed how Google is moving from a reward system to a punitive one. Websites using SSL continue to get […]

New Non-HTTPS Websites Blacklisted for Phishy Password Practices

We submit hundreds of blacklist review requests every day after cleaning our clients’ websites. Google’s Deceptive Content warning applies when Google detects dangerous code that attempts to trick users into revealing sensitive information. For the past couple of months we have noticed that the number of websites blacklisted with Deceptive Content warnings has increased for […]

How Scammers Abuse Baidu Search Results

If you use Skype, recently you may have received Baidu link spam from some of your contacts. The links look like this: www.baidu[.]com/link?url=_QIcrpeV-oOPb6HGTgigvW00e0fiBQyFjSui12FrARO#emubahyt= When you click these links you end up on fake news sites with articles about a new miracle medicine that may help you lose weight or double your IQ. Here are the typical headlines […]