Tag Archives: Website Blacklist

WordPress Hack Modifies Core Files to Share Spam

One of the worst feelings a website owner can experience is discovering that your site has been hacked. Without proper security measures in place, even website owners with the best intentions can lose control of their website. When hackers gain access to your site, they can use it to host phishing content, distribute malware, steal… […]

Unwanted Software and Harmful Programs

We frequently clean blacklisted websites and submit reconsideration requests to have them de-listed. We have encountered many kinds of blacklist warnings including search engines, anti-virus programs, firewalls and and e-mail spam. Recently I came across an interesting case where Google was flagging a website due to unwanted software. Via our response platform we were able to get toRead […]

How Social Media Blacklisting Happens

In today’s world, we are all browsing websites online and sharing content on a multitude of social media platforms every day. Worldwide social media users exceeded 2 billion back in August 2014, with an adoption rate unlike anything we have seen in history. Social media continues to grow around the world, with active user accountsRead […]

Google Blacklists Bit.ly

If you ever shortened a URL using bit.ly or if you use it anywhere, be aware that Google recently blacklisted all bit.ly pages through its Safe Browsing program. It means that anyone using Chrome, Firefox or Safari will get a nasty The site ahead contains malware warning when visiting a bit.ly link: Why would Google […]