Tag Archives: Website Security

It Takes 2 Seconds of Silence to Skim a Credit Card

E-commerce websites are valuable targets for attackers. Bad actors often leverage creative techniques to conceal their credit card stealers and gather sensitive credit card information from online storefronts. A recent investigation for a compromised Magento website revealed a rather interesting injection. The website owner had found an entirely new section on their checkout page which […]

Analysis of the Massive NDSW/NDSX Malware Campaign

Recently, Avast’s researchers Pavel Novák and Jan Rubín posted a detailed writeup about the “Parrot TDS” campaign involving more than 16,500 infected websites. Such massive infections don’t go unnoticed by Sucuri and we immediately recognized that the infection in their writeup belonged to the campaign we internally refer to as “ndsw/ndsx” malware. We’ve been tracking […]

Vulnerability & Patch Round-up — May 2022

Vulnerability reports and responsible disclosures are essential for website security awareness and education. Automated attacks targeting known software vulnerabilities are one of the leading causes of website compromises. We’ve compiled a list of some important security updates and vulnerability patches for the WordPress ecosystem for May, 2022. Critical Privilege Escalation Vulnerability in Jupiter and JupiterX […]

Credit Card Stealer Targets PsiGate Payment Gateway Software

Magento’s payment provider gateway offers functionalities for site owners to integrate stores with payment service providers. This handy feature lets a website create and handle transactions based on order details and allows for out-of-the-box integrations with payment service providers like PayPal and Braintree. Since these gateways are responsible for helping businesses accept online payment methods […]

Analyzing a WooCommerce Credit Card Skimmer

The number of credit card skimmers targeting WooCommerce websites has skyrocketed over the past year, and threat actors have become increasingly creative in the different ways they obfuscate their payloads to avoid traditional detection. During a recent investigation for an infected WordPress website, we discovered an obfuscated credit card stealer hiding amongst the website’s theme […]

X-Cart Skimmer with DOM-based Obfuscation

Our lead security analyst Liam Smith recently worked on an infected X-Cart website and found two interesting credit card stealers there — one skimmer located server-side, the other client-side. X-Cart’s e-commerce platform is not nearly as popular as Magento or WooCommerce and as a result we don’t see as many threat actors targeting it. While […]

Massive WordPress JavaScript Injection Campaign Redirects to Ads 

Our remediation and research teams regularly find malicious redirects on client sites. These infections automatically redirect site visitors to third-party websites with malicious resources, scam pages, or commercial websites with the intention of generating illegitimate traffic. As outlined in our latest hacked website report, we’ve been tracking a long-lasting campaign responsible for injecting malicious scripts […]

Examining Emerging Backdoors

Next up in our “This didn’t quite make it into the 2021 Threat Report, but is still really cool” series: New backdoors! Backdoors are a crucial component of a website infection. They allow the attackers ongoing access to the compromised environment and provide them a “foot in the door” to execute their payload. We see […]

Manually Identifying an X-Cart Credit Card Skimmer

During a recent investigation, a new client came to us reporting that their antivirus had detected a suspicious domain loading on their website’s checkout page. We regularly receive reports like these, as this is a telltale indicator of a credit card skimmer infection. Our research and remediation teams frequently find credit card skimmers on Magento […]