We’ve seen a wider variety of PHP web shells being used by attackers this year — including a number of shells that have been significantly updated in an attempt to “improve” them. Depending on the scope of changes and feature enhancements that are added to an existing web shell’s source code, these updates can be […]
Tag Archives: Website Security
Legacy Mauthtoken Malware Continues to Redirect Mobile Users
During malware analysis, we regularly find variations of this injected script on various compromised websites: . The variable “_0x446d” assigns hex encoded strings in different positions in the array. If we get the ASCII representation of the variable, we’ll end up with the following code: var _0x446d=[“_mauthtoken”,”indexOf”,”cookie”,”userAgent”,”vendor”,”opera”,”hxxps://zeep.ly/ev4Va”,”googlebot”,”test”,”substr”,”getTime”,”_mauthtoken=1; path=/;expires=”,”toUTCString”,”location”]; In this array, you can find a […]
CSS-JS Steganography in Fake Flash Player Update Malware
This summer, MalwareBytes researcher Jérôme Segura wrote an article about how criminals use image files (.ico) to hide JavaScript credit card stealers on compromised e-commerce sites. In a tweet, Affable Kraut also reported another similar obfuscation technique using .ico files to conceal JavaScript skimmers. Just something I’ve noticed more recently with digital skimmers/#magecart. Obfuscated code […]
Reflected XSS in WordPress v5.5.1 and Lower
WordPress released version 5.5.2 yesterday, which fixed a reflected XSS vulnerability we reported earlier this year. The root cause of this issue is a bug in the way WordPress determines a user’s current page, and which may cause a few other problems as well. Are You Affected? This vulnerability is exploitable on every WordPress site […]
P.A.S. Fork v. 1.0 — A Web Shell Revival
A PHP shell containing multiple functions can easily consist of thousands of lines of code, so it’s no surprise that attackers often reuse the code from some of the most popular PHP web shells, like WSO or b374k. After all, if these popular (and readily available) PHP web shells do the job, there’s no need […]
Password Security & Password Managers
In the spirit of National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM), let’s talk about a security basic that many people overlook: passwords. These are one of the most fundamental aspects of website security, yet we too often see webmasters taking a lax approach to secure passwords. In fact, the online security provider TeamPassword found that last […]
R_Evil WordPress Hacktool & Malicious JavaScript Injections
We often see hackers reusing the same malware, with only a few new adjustments to obfuscate the code so that it is more difficult for scanning tools to detect. However, sometimes entirely new attack tools are created and deployed by threat actors who don’t want to rely on obfuscating existing malware. Confusing Name – R_Evil […]
A Quick Glance at Cross-Origin Resource Sharing Security Headers
Thanks to the rapid growth of JavaScript frameworks such as Angular, Vue, and React, CORS has become a popular word in the developer’s vocabulary. When requesting information from an external source such as an API (a pretty common practice for client-side JavaScript code), the origin of the resource must tell the web browser which domain, […]
Securing Your Online Store for the Holidays
Shopping season is here, and so is the opportunity for ecommerce site owners to grow their business and generate revenue. In lieu of the changing global ecommerce climate that this pandemic has produced, comes the importance of securing your website to protect your users — and your revenue streams. Your online customers depend on you […]
Magento Phishing Leverages JavaScript For Exfiltration
During a recent investigation, a Magento admin login phishing page was found on a compromised website using the file name wp-order.php. This is an odd file name choice for a Magento phishing page, but nevertheless it successfully loads a legitimate looking Magento 1.x login page. What is not immediately visible or apparent to victims, however, […]