Tag Archives: Website Security

How to Add SSL & Move WordPress from HTTP to HTTPS

Moving a WordPress website from HTTP to HTTPS should be a priority for any webmaster. Recent statistics show that over 33% of website administrators across the web use WordPress and many of these websites have still not added an SSL certificate. Why is Important to Have a WordPress SSL Certificate? SSL has become increasingly important […]

Hacked Website Trend Report – 2018

We are proud to be releasing our latest Hacked Website Trend Report for 2018. This report is based on data collected and analyzed by the GoDaddy Security / Sucuri team, which includes the Incident Response Team (IRT) and the Malware Research Team (MRT). The data presented is based on the analysis of 25,168 cleanup requests […]

Hacked Website Trend Report – 2018

We are proud to be releasing our latest Hacked Website Trend Report for 2018. This report is based on data collected and analyzed by the GoDaddy Security / Sucuri team, which includes the Incident Response Team (IRT) and the Malware Research Team (MRT). The data presented is based on the analysis of 25,168 cleanup requests […]

Fake Browser Updates Push Ransomware and Bank Malware

Recently we came across a malicious campaign injecting scripts that push fake browser updates onto site visitors. This is what a typical fake update request looks like: Users see a message box that says it’s an “Update Center” for your browser type (in my case it’s Firefox, but they also have such messages for Chrome, […]

Fake Browser Updates Push Ransomware and Bank Malware

Recently we came across a malicious campaign injecting scripts that push fake browser updates onto site visitors. This is what a typical fake update request looks like: Users see a message box that says it’s an “Update Center” for your browser type (in my case it’s Firefox, but they also have such messages for Chrome, […]

Google Analytics and Angular in Magento Credit Card Stealing Scripts

Over the last few months, we’ve noticed several credit card-stealing scripts that use variations of the Google Analytics name to make them look less suspicious and evade detection by website owners. The malicious code is obfuscated and injected into legitimate JS files, such as skin/frontend/default/theme122k/js/jquery.jscrollpane.min.js, js/meigee/jquery.min.js, and js/varien/js.js. The obfuscated code loads another script from […]

Google Analytics and Angular in Magento Credit Card Stealing Scripts

Over the last few months, we’ve noticed several credit card-stealing scripts that use variations of the Google Analytics name to make them look less suspicious and evade detection by website owners. The malicious code is obfuscated and injected into legitimate JS files, such as skin/frontend/default/theme122k/js/jquery.jscrollpane.min.js, js/meigee/jquery.min.js, and js/varien/js.js. The obfuscated code loads another script from […]

Hackers Use Fake Google reCAPTCHA to Cloak Banking Malware

The most effective phishing and malware campaigns usually employ one of the following two age-old social engineering techniques: Impersonation These online phishing campaigns impersonate a popular brand or product through specially crafted emails, SMS, or social media networks. These campaigns employ various methods including email spoofing, fake or real employee names, and recognized branding to […]

Hackers Use Fake Google reCAPTCHA to Cloak Banking Malware

The most effective phishing and malware campaigns usually employ one of the following two age-old social engineering techniques: Impersonation These online phishing campaigns impersonate a popular brand or product through specially crafted emails, SMS, or social media networks. These campaigns employ various methods including email spoofing, fake or real employee names, and recognized branding to […]

The Importance of Website Logs

As a security company, we deal with a lot of compromised websites. Unfortunately, in most cases, we have limited access to customer logs, which is one of the reasons why we don’t offer forensic analysis. Sucuri offers website monitoring, protection, and clean up, but sometimes we go that extra mile and investigate how websites become […]