Recently we wrote about the impacts of a hacked website and how it is important to give website visitors a safe online experience In this post, I’ll show you how a hacked website results in almost immediate loss of money. We are not talking about drive-by infections that can be prevented by using a goodRead […]
Tag Archives: Website Security
How To Create a Website Backup Strategy
We’ve all heard it million times before – backups are important. Still, the reality is that even today, backups remain one of the most overlooked and under-utilized precautions we can take to protect our vital data. Why are backups so important Put simply, a good set of backups can save your website when absolutely everythingRead […]
Website Malware – The SWF iFrame Injector Evolves
Last year, we released a post about a malware injector found in an Adobe Flash (.SWF) file. In that post, we showed how a .SWF file is used to inject an invisible, malicious iFrame. It appears that the author of that Flash malware continued with this method of infection. Now we are seeing more varieties […]
Intro to E-Commerce and PCI Compliance – Part I
Have you ever heard of the term Payment Card Industry (PCI)? Specifically, PCI compliance? If you have an e-commerce website, you probably have already heard about it. But do you really understand what it means for you and your online business? In this series, we will try to explain the PCI standard and how it […]
WordPress Malware Causes Psuedo-Darkleech Infection
Source: The National Archives (UK) Darkleech is a nasty malware infection that infects web servers at the root level. It use malicious Apache modules to add hidden iFrames to certain responses. It’s difficult to detect because the malware is only active when both server and site admins are not logged in, and the iFrame is […]
Why Website Reinfections Happen
I joined Sucuri a little over a month ago. My job is actually as a Social Media Specialist, but we have this process where regardless of your job you have to learn what website infections look like and more importantly, how to clean them. It’s this idea that regardless of you are you must always […]
The Impacts of a Hacked Website
Today, with the proliferation of open-source technologies like WordPress, Joomla! and other Content Management Systems (CMS) people around the world are able to quickly establish a virtual presence with little to no cost. In the process however, a lot is being lost in terms of what it means to own a website. We are failing […]
Why A Free Obfuscator Is Not Always Free.
We all love our code but some of us love it so much that we don’t want anyone else to read or understand it. When you think about it, that’s understandable – hours and hours of hard dev work, days of testing and weeks (months?, years?) of fixing bugs and after all of this, someone […]
Why Websites Get Hacked
I spend a good amount of time engaging with website owners across a broad spectrum of businesses. Interestingly enough, unless I’m talking large enterprise, there is a common question that often comes up: Why would anyone ever hack my website? Depending on who you are, the answer to this can vary. Nonetheless, it often revolves […]
Vulnerability Disclosures – A Note To Developers
This post is entirely for developers. Feel free to read, but approach it with that in mind. There is no such thing as bug-free code, and any code, even the most secure, can, with time, can be used for nefarious actions. We ourselves find weaknesses in our code, internally and externally, and have to work […]