Tag Archives: Website Security

Why Website Reinfections Happen

I joined Sucuri a little over a month ago. My job is actually as a Social Media Specialist, but we have this process where regardless of your job you have to learn what website infections look like and more importantly, how to clean them. It’s this idea that regardless of you are you must always […]

The Impacts of a Hacked Website

Today, with the proliferation of open-source technologies like WordPress, Joomla! and other Content Management Systems (CMS) people around the world are able to quickly establish a virtual presence with little to no cost. In the process however, a lot is being lost in terms of what it means to own a website. We are failing […]

Why A Free Obfuscator Is Not Always Free.

We all love our code but some of us love it so much that we don’t want anyone else to read or understand it. When you think about it, that’s understandable – hours and hours of hard dev work, days of testing and weeks (months?, years?) of fixing bugs and after all of this, someone […]

Why Websites Get Hacked

I spend a good amount of time engaging with website owners across a broad spectrum of businesses. Interestingly enough, unless I’m talking large enterprise, there is a common question that often comes up: Why would anyone ever hack my website? Depending on who you are, the answer to this can vary. Nonetheless, it often revolves […]

The Dynamics of Passwords

How often do you think about the passwords you’re using? Not only for your website, but also for everything else you do on the internet on a daily basis? Are you re-using any of the same passwords to make it easier to remember them? We see it all too often: weak passwords used for FTP, […]

Analyzing Malicious Redirects in the IP.Board CMS

Although the majority of our posts describe WordPress and Joomla attacks (no wonder, given their market-share), there are still attacks that target smaller CMS’s and we help clean all kinds of sites. This post will be about conditional redirects in IP.Board forums (currently #27 with 0.3% of the CMS market). Conditional redirects The symptoms of […]

Bogus Mobile-Shortcuts WordPress Plugin Injects SEO Spam

Here at Sucuri we see countless cases of SEO spam where a website is compromised in order to spread pharmaceutical advertisements or backlinks to sites selling luxury goods. Most of the time this involves injecting hundreds of spam links into the site’s database but in this case a deceptive, fake plugin called mobile-shortcuts was able […]

Critical “GHOST” Vulnerability Released

A very critical vulnerability affecting the GNU C Library (glibc) is threatening Linux servers for a remote command execution. This security bug was discovered by Qualys security researchers and will probably cause a lot of headaches to those who won’t update right away. Where does the issue come from? This is a buffer overflow issue in glibc’s function __nss_hostname_digits_dots(), which is […]