Tag Archives: WordPress Security

7 Tips for Protecting Your Website

For many people, website security is an intimidating topic. It seems like there’s an endless list of things necessary for protecting your website. And while resources like our Website Security Guide cut through much of the clutter of the threat landscape, some folks might need it simplified even further. Okay, we hear ya. If you’re […]

How to Find & Remove SEO Spam on WordPress

Perhaps the best way to dive into the subject of finding and removing SEO spam on WordPress is with a quick experiment — probably one you’ll want to conduct at a private location. Run a Google search with the terms buy viagra cialis. Without clicking anything (seriously, don’t), take a close look at the results. […]

Hacked Website Threat Report – 2019

The threat landscape for website owners is constantly shifting on a regular basis — and it’s becoming increasingly more complex. As attackers continue to develop tools and find new vulnerabilities to massively exploit, our team works diligently around the clock to identify, analyze, and protect website owners from compromise. Education is key to protecting yourself […]

Malicious JavaScript Used in WP Site/Home URL Redirects

Our team recently found a malicious JavaScript injection within the WordPress index.php theme file on a compromised WordPress website which ultimately redirects site visitors to a survey-for-gifts scam website. At this time of writing, we have seen over two thousand new infected sites since we started tracking this infection. The injection seen below is used […]

Authentication Bypass Vulnerability in InfiniteWP Client

An authentication bypass vulnerability affecting more than 300,000 InfiniteWP Client plugin users has recently been disclosed to the public. This plugin allows site owners to manage multiple websites from one central server using the InfiniteWP Server. Due to the nature of this plugin, this is a serious vulnerability that should be patched as soon as […]

Top 10 Sucuri Research Articles in 2019

As we settle into 2020, it’s a good time to look back at what was learned in the previous year. After all, the past provides valuable lessons for the future. With that thought in mind, we asked our researchers to choose their favorite blog posts from 2019. If your New Year’s resolution for 2020 is […]

Unmasking Black Hat SEO for Dating Scams

Malware obfuscation comes in all shapes and sizes — and it’s sometimes hard to recognize the difference between malicious and legitimate code when you see it. Recently, we came across an interesting case where attackers went a few extra miles to make it more difficult to notice the site infection. Mysterious wp-config.php Inclusion During the […]

Another Fake Google Domain: fonts.googlesapi.com

Our Remediation team lead Ben Martin recently found a fake Google domain that is pretty convincing to the naked eye. The malicious domain was abusing the URL shortener service is.gd: shortened URLs were being injected into the posts table of the client’s WordPress database. Whenever the infected WordPress page loads, the actual content is obscured […]

Vulnerable Versions of Adminer as a Universal Infection Vector

This past week, we’ve been monitoring a new wave of website infections mostly impacting WordPress and Magento websites. We found that hackers have been injecting scripts from scripts.trasnaltemyrecords[.]com into multiple files and database tables. This is still the same ongoing campaign that we’ve been following for the past few years, where site visitors are redirected […]