The Impacts of a Data Breach

The Impacts of a Data Breach

Have you ever wondered what happens if your e-commerce site is breached?

Usually, when you think about data breaches, you think about big enterprise websites. Does that mean that big brands are the ones who suffer the most from data breaches? Actually not.

Recently, Trustwave put out a report that states approximately 90% of breaches impact small merchants.

Here are the top 3 compromised industries:

  • 1- Retail – 45%
  • 2- Food and Beverage – 24%
  • 3 – Hospitality – 9%

This graph shows the top 3 compromised industries due to vulnerabilities that allow attackers to steal data; however, bear in mind that any website could become a victim.

Continue reading The Impacts of a Data Breach at Sucuri Blog.



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