The many sites of CloudFlare

Each day I get to trade notes with CloudFlare customers. I’m constantly
amazed by the diversity of businesses that use the service from around
the world. I wanted to share some stories from some of our customers
about their experience on CloudFlare.

The many sites of CloudFlare
Sporting Events
The San Francisco Marathon

The San Francisco Marathon is a popular race. With 24,000 runners
competing in five events, the San Francisco Marathon has runners of all
ages, from all over the globe. The website is used for registration, to
organize runners during the actual event weekend and to track each
runners race time.

“I really love how simple it was to set up and use. CloudFlare is an
easy to use CDN service with offerings at all levels,” said said Laura
Baalman, an independent IT consultant to the San Francisco Marathon
website. “I would recommend anyone with a website, especially those that
get big changes in traffic, to give it a try.” Read full case study here.

The many sites of CloudFlare
Social Media

Storify helps its users tell stories by curating social media. Storify
sees huge spikes of traffic during major events around the world, like
Hurricane Sandy or the U.S. presidential election.

“Thanks to services like CloudFlare, we can scale Storify to more than
24 million story views per month with only 3 engineers,” said Xavier
Damman, co-founder and CEO of Storify.

During Hurricane Sandy, CloudFlare saved Storify more than 75 million
requests and over 470 GB of bandwidth.

“Having CloudFlare save these requests has enabled us to stay online and
keep up with the surges in traffic due to significant news sharing
during Hurricane Sandy,” said Xavier. Read full blog post here.

The many sites of
Runa Tea

Runa produces guayusa tea sourced from the Ecuadorian Amazon. Guayusa
balances as much caffeine as one cup of coffee with twice the
antioxidants of green tea creating. The drink has gained popularity
around the world, including among the CloudFlare team. It is always
well-stocked in our kitchen.

“We love CloudFlare and recommend it to anyone looking for amazing
results,” said Anna Premo Director of Marketing at Runa.

The many sites of CloudFlare
Search Engine Optimization
( is an experienced search marketing firm dedicated to making
websites more visible online and profitable.

“I’ve been using CloudFlare for over a year now. I had a personal
website which began to see significant traffic and I was really having
server load issues. In addition, the site had been hacked twice. Because
of that, security and scalability was important to me,” said Derek
Perkins, VP of Technology at “I tried CloudFlare on that
website and I now have it on 30 other sites, including I have
yet to have any of those sites compromised, which has been fantastic.”

The many sites of CloudFlare
Live, online customer support

Zopim is an award winning, cloud based live chat platform that makes it
easy for businesses to deliver fast customer service online. Businesses
who sign up with Zopim are fanatics when it comes to delivering customer
wow. More than 50,000 businesses use Zopim Live Chat to chat with their
online customers everyday. Zopim is based in Singapore.

“Thanks to CloudFlare’s CDN, our chat widget began loading extremely
fast no matter where it was being loaded from,” said Qing. “By caching
and serving the static images on our widget, CloudFlare accelerated the
byte load and reduced the widget loading time by at least 50%. Even our
customers could feel the significant improvement in speed.” Read full case study here.

The many sites of CloudFlare
Russian Photographer
Ekaterina Dokuchaeva

Ekaterina Dokuchaeva is a talented photographer from Russia with her own
unique style and creativity. Despite the fact that Ekaterina is just 21
years old, she has already done exquisite art creations and continues to
work hard in the photo-industry.

“There’s an introduction song playing on the backround of the landing
page. This song made page load speed very slow and visitors constantly
complained that the site was not fast enough,” said Dokuchaev
Konstantin, who manages the site. “Once I enabled CloudFlare’s CDN and
compression features to our website, the page load time immediately
reduced to three seconds in all browsers. It was great solution of our
problem. I wasn’t expecting such a noticable change!”

Do you have a story you’d like to share about CloudFlare? I’d like to
hear it and feature you on our blog! [email protected]


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