Tag Archives: Website Security

Cryptominers: Binary-Process-Cron Variants and Methods of Removal

This post provides a brief overview of how to manually remove server-side cryptominers and other types of Binary-Process-Cron malware from a server. Unlike browser-based JavaScript cryptominers that have been injected into a web page, a binary server-level cryptominer abuses server resources without affecting the computers or mobile devices of site visitors. We will cover the […]

RawGit CDN is Abused by CryptoLoot Cryptominers

Recently, we came across another way to use files from GitHub repositories in malware infections. This time the infections weren’t via GitHub.io, raw.githubusercontent.com, or github.com///raw/ URLs. The new trick involved a third-party service called RawGit that provides a CDN for GitHub files. This is the script that we found injected into .js and theme files […]

Switching to HTTPS Before It’s Too Late

Google, Mozilla, and other web authorities are pushing for website owners to adopt HTTPS. Soon, Google Chrome will start flagging sites by displaying a warning that the site is “Not secure“. Chrome 68 is already in Beta. Before long, everyone will be able to update their browsers to Chrome 68 and see “Not Secure” warnings on […]

Browser Extension Bug Leads to Post Injection

A few years ago, we saw how a browser extension introduced a threat to serve unwanted ads. Today, the number of browser extensions available to users has grown, along with the risk for this similar behavior to occur. We recently came across a similar case where several completely different websites contained what appeared to be […]

Ask Sucuri: How Do You Find Website Backdoors?

In a previous post, we have explained what website backdoors are and what they look like. Today, we want to focus on ways that we identify and remove backdoors to prevent reinfection. Techniques to Find Backdoors Finding a website backdoor is not an easy task because the main function of a backdoor is to keep […]

CoinImp Cryptominer and Fully Qualified Domain Names

We are all familiar with the conventional domain name notation, where different levels are concatenated with the full stop character (period). E.g. “www.example.com”, where “www” is a subdomain, “example” is a second level domain, and “com” is a top level domain. However, very few know that there is also a DNS root domain and it […]

Google and Facebook Used in Phishing Campaigns

We’ve all seen sketchy looking emails or texts with malicious links to click on. There are still people who fall for these more obvious types of scams, however, phishing scam messages are designed to be deceiving. They use methods that appear valid or of some urgent matter, encouraging its victim to hand over their data. Phishing […]

What are Website Backdoors?

When a site gets compromised, the attackers will often leave some piece of malware behind to allow them access back to the site. Hackers want to leave a door open to retain control of the website and to reinfect it continuously. This type of malware is called a backdoor. What Are Backdoors? Backdoors are types […]