Tag Archives: WordPress

Massive Malware Infection Breaking WordPress Sites

The last few days has brought about a massive influx of broken WordPress websites. What makes it so unique is that the malicious payload is being blindly injected which is causing websites to break. While we’re still researching, we do want to share share some observations: This infection is aimed at websites built on the […]

Disclosure: Insecure Nonce Generation in WPTouch

If you use the popular WPTouch plugin (5m+ downloads) on your WordPress website, you should update it immediately. During a routine audit for our WAF, we discovered a very dangerous vulnerability that could potentially allow a user with no administrative privileges, who was logged in (like a subscriber or an author), to upload PHP files […]

TimThumb WebShot Code Execution Exploit (0-day)

If you are still using Timthumb after the serious vulnerability that was found on it last year, you have one more reason to be concerned. A new 0-day was just disclosed on TimThumb’s “Webshot” feature that allows for certain commands to be executed on the vulnerable website remotely (no authentication required). With a simple command, […]

SPAM Hack Targets WordPress Core Install Directories

Do you run your website on WordPress? Have you checked the integrity of your core install lately for SPAM like “Google Pharmacy” stores or other fake stores? We have been tracking and analyzing a growing trend in SEO Spam (a.k.a., Search Engine Poisoning (SEP)) attacks in which thousands of compromised WordPress websites are being used […]

Critical Update for JetPack WordPress Plugin

The Jetpack team just released a critical security update to fix a security vulnerability in the Jetpack WordPress plugin. The vulnerability allows an attacker to bypass the site’s access control and publish posts on the site. All versions of JetPack since October, 2012 (Jetpack 1.9) are vulnerable, and all users should update to version 2.9.3 […]

Unmasking “Free” Premium WordPress Plugins

WordPress has a large repository of free plugins (currently 30,000+) that can add almost any functionality to your blog. However, there is still a market for premium plugins. Premium plugins are especially popular when they help blogs make money: eCommerce, SEO, affiliate and customer management, and so on. Such plugins may be really great and […]

More Than 162,000 WordPress Sites Used for Distributed Denial of Service Attack

Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) attacks are becoming a common trend on our blog lately, and that’s OK because it’s a very serious issue for every website owner. Today I want to talk about a large DDOS attack that leveraged thousands of unsuspecting WordPress websites as indirect amplification vectors. Any WordPress site with XML-RPC enabled […]

Recent OptimizePress Vulnerability Being Mass Infected

A few weeks ago we wrote about a file upload vulnerability in the OptmizePress theme. We were seeing a few sites being compromised by it, but nothing major. That all changed yesterday when we detected roughly 2,000 websites compromised with iFrames that seemed to be caused by this same vulnerability. All of the contaminated websites […]

WordPress Botnet Brute Force Attacks

The huge brute force attack that took place earlier this month on WordPress sites around the globe is believed to have been the result of a massive “super botnet” conglomerate of computers, distributed across over 90,000 IP addresses. In the wake of the attack, concerns have been voiced that future use of this “super botnet” […]