Tag Archives: zero-day

A Guide to Virtual Patching for Website Vulnerabilities

All software has bugs — but some bugs can lead to serious security vulnerabilities that can impact your website and traffic. Vulnerabilities can be especially dangerous when your software is running over the web, since anyone can reach out and try to attack it. That’s why keeping your website up-to-date with the latest patches and […]

Hacked Website Threat Report – 2019

The threat landscape for website owners is constantly shifting on a regular basis — and it’s becoming increasingly more complex. As attackers continue to develop tools and find new vulnerabilities to massively exploit, our team works diligently around the clock to identify, analyze, and protect website owners from compromise. Education is key to protecting yourself […]

Zero-Day RCE in vBulletin v5.0.0-v5.5.4

A new remote code execution (RCE) zero-day vulnerability has been disclosed by an anonymous researcher on the Full Disclosure mailing list this past Monday. This vulnerability is extremely severe. It allows any website visitors to run PHP code and shell commands on the site’s underlying server. Am I At Risk? At the time of writing this, […]

Insufficient Privilege Validation in SiteGround Optimizer & Caldera Forms Pro

While investigating the SiteGround Optimizer and Caldera Forms Pro plugins we have discovered a critical privilege escalation vulnerability. It was not being abused externally and impacts over 500,000 sites. It’s urgency is defined by the associated DREAD score that looks at damage, reproducibility, exploitability, affected users, and discoverability. A key contributor to the criticality of […]

The Impacts of Zero-Day Attacks

Last week, we explained what zero-day vulnerabilities and attacks are. Essentially, zero-day vulnerabilities exist in the wild, with no patch available to prevent hackers from exploiting it. Today, we would like to expand on the impacts of these attacks. What Do Zero-Day Attacks Depend On? The impact a zero-day attack can have on your online […]

Understanding Zero-Day Vulnerabilities & Attacks

In computer science, a vulnerability is considered to be a zero-day vulnerability if it’s unknown to all parties interested in patching it, such as: The team maintaining the project The users of the project Vulnerability researchers Vulnerability researchers are the good guys – people who won’t take advantage of the vulnerability for their own gain […]

Hacking WordPress Sites on Shared Servers

A website is only as safe as the weakest link on its shared server. Once a hacker gains access to one site on the server, they can easily infect other sites that share the same server permissions. This is called cross-site contamination. When it comes to WordPress websites, the core structure is well known by… […]

Zero-day in the Fancybox-for-WordPress Plugin

Our research team was alerted to a possible malware outbreak affecting many WordPress websites. All the infections had a similar malicious iframe from “203koko” injected into the website. We were also directed to a forum thread where users were sharing their concerns and describing similar issues they were experiencing. In analyzing the infected websites, we […]

Zero Day Vulnerability in OpenX Source 2.8.11 and Revive Adserver 3.0.1

If you are using OpenX or the new Revive Adserver (fork of OpenX), you need to update it ASAP. Florian Sander discovered a serious SQL injection vulnerability that affects all versions of OpenX and all versions of the Revive Adserver. From the Revive advisory: An SQL-injection vulnerability was recently discovered and reported to the Revive […]